Higher Level Hoops

Growing Faith and Skill

Christian Youth Basketball Camp located in Rosemount, Dakota County, Minnesota 

Special Winter Camp
2025 Camp

Information For this years Camp Coming Soon. 

All Registration information will be posted soon. If you are interested in your child being a part of the camp, please fill out the form on the contact page. 

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Listen to the Radio Interview

Basket Ball Camps

Our camp is designed to meet the players at their level and leave them with new skills and techniques.  We are also want to use basketball to form the character of each player.  We firmly believe that basketball can bring great joy to a player and form them into the person they will become. We also incorporate the Christian message within the camp as well.

Play Video

Two Age Groups

August 7th – 9th | Wednesday – Friday

Hope Fieldhouse – 2645, 145th Street West, Rosemount, MN 55668

Couch Dave kids

3rd - 6th grade

9:30am - Noon

We develop your child no matter their skill level.  If they’ve never played basketball we can teach them the beginning skills to enjoy basketball at home.  We also can develop the top travel level youth with other youth at their skill level.

7th - 12th Grade

1:00pm - 3:30pm

We teach your youth the skills to take their game and faith to a higher level.  We have a staff of coaches that know the finer details of the game.  Their many years of coaching can observe their talent level and develop the tools they need to go to that higher level.  We do this in a challenging yet encouraging environment. 

Higher Level Hoops BW boy gym
Emmanuel Justin action

Registration $45

By August 2nd

Registration is now open for 2024. Sign up today before all the spots are taken. We would to have your child join us this August. Sign up for the grade your child is going into this upcoming season in three easy steps. 


Higher Levels

Encouraging Youth to achieve their Life Goals

Leadership Mentoring On and off the court

Every Person is valuable all the time

Give one hundered percent in everything you do

Building Confidence for life through basketball

Faith thru trials & Victories prepare us for Life

Over 100 combined Years Experience of coaching and Mentoring Youth

coach dave BW

Dave Finlayson

New zealand

Dave was director of Farmington youth basketball and loves to work with youth.  He played high school and college basketball.  His knowledge of the game is second to none.  He will challenge the most talented player to go to the next level!   

coach piere

Pierrie Fulford

St. Paul

He grew up in Saint paul.  Pierre played basketball in high school, college and professionally.  He is also a rap recording artist.  He loves to teach skills, but teaches youth the mindset needed to perform at a higher level. Pierre is also known for his work with the inner city youth of the Twin Cities.

coach scott

Scott Schoaf


Scott is passionate about sports and developing youth into leaders.  He is committed to the community of Rosemount through being a children’s pastor at Hosanna Church Rosemount and being on the leadership team at Hope Fieldhouse.  His love for youth is infectious and he will motivate you to strive for your dreams.

Coach bryan BW



He is committed to the youth of the community.  He leads youth through mentorship and leadership.  He loves basketball and is passionate about teaching his skills to youth.  He loves to speak to youth on a one to one basis and encourage them to take their next steps in faith. 

coach Mike color



He loves the game of basketball and using the game to teach youth life skills and faith.  Mentoring youth is his passion, teaching them how to lead on and off the court.  He grew up playing basketball in high school and college and loves to pass on the skills to go to a higher level. 

coach deante bw

Deante Steele

Gary, IN

He is passionate about youth and is a leader for them.  He brings energy to the basketball court and to people’s lives.  Deante is full of joy and will connect with you in a matter of minutes!

Information for the 2025 Camp
Coming Soon

If interested please fill out he form on the contact page.